About Us

Our story is one of passion, innovation, and a commitment to reshaping the world of golf. We’re not just an app; we’re a dynamic community of golf enthusiasts, tech visionaries, and dedicated players united by a common goal – to redefine how you experience golf.

Meet Combat Golf

At Combat Golf, we see golf as more than a game; it’s a vibrant lifestyle. Our journey began with the desire to simplify game scheduling and introduce the thrill of peer-to-peer betting. But we didn’t stop there. We’re on a mission to continuously enhance your golfing adventure. As we grow, we’ll be adding new games and features to keep things fresh and exciting. From global tournaments to side games that challenge your skills, Combat Golf is your platform for diversity and exploration in the world of golf.

Our commitment extends to creating a global golfing community, where enthusiasts from every corner of the world come together to connect, share experiences, and build lasting friendships. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just starting, Combat Golf is your companion for growth, learning, and pure enjoyment.

As we look to the future, we’re excited about diversifying our offerings and expanding our reach. We envision Combat Golf as the hub for all things golf, offering you a wide array of experiences beyond the traditional fairway. Together, we’re shaping the future of golf, making it more accessible, engaging, and dynamic.

Join us on this extraordinary journey as we innovate, evolve, and explore new horizons. Get to know the faces behind Combat Golf, discover our mission, and become a vital part of our golfing family. Thank you for being a part of our story as we write the next chapter in the world of golf.”

combatgolf Hero side image

What Our Users Say

“Combat Golf has transformed the way I experience golf. The app's easy-to-use interface and real-time game scheduling have saved me so much time and effort. Plus, the addition of peer-to-peer betting adds an extra layer of excitement to every round. It's a game-changer! "

“Combat Golf has transformed the way I experience golf. The app's easy-to-use interface and real-time game scheduling have saved me so much time and effort. Plus, the addition of peer-to-peer betting adds an extra layer of excitement to every round. It's a game-changer! "

“Combat Golf has transformed the way I experience golf. The app's easy-to-use interface and real-time game scheduling have saved me so much time and effort. Plus, the addition of peer-to-peer betting adds an extra layer of excitement to every round. It's a game-changer! "

Combat golf testimonials

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Stay in the Swing with Our Latest Blogs: Explore our informative and engaging articles that cover everything from golfing tips and course reviews to industry trends and player stories. Keep up with the latest in the world of golf right here

Golf Advice
Golfing Buddy

What is a Greenie, Wolf, or Banker side game?

Embark on a thrilling journey through side games and global challenges with Combat Golf, catering to golfers of all levels. Dive into a diverse array of formats including Match Play, Twelves, Stableford, and more. Combat Golf’s Game Education Center offers detailed guides on each game, simplifying learning and strategy. Arrange games with friends effortlessly via the mobile app. Elevate the excitement by betting cash or points, adding a competitive edge to your rounds. With Combat Golf, enjoy friendly rivalry while refining your skills on the course.

Golf Advice
Golfing Buddy

Mastering Golf Side Games: Elevate Your Game and Enjoy Friendly Competition

Enhance your golfing journey with side games, transforming each round into an unforgettable adventure. Amidst the tranquil beauty of the course, experience spirited competition and camaraderie, elevating every shot with anticipation and excitement. Side games infuse ordinary rounds with electrifying energy, presenting new challenges and triumphs at every hole. From aiming for the greenie to engaging in high-stakes battles for skins, each stroke tests your skills and strategy. Yet, beyond skill, side games foster bonds of camaraderie and sportsmanship, whether teaming up as the Wolf or engaging in friendly wagers. Explore the world of side games and add excitement to your golfing odyssey.